hammer, court, judge
police, crime scene, blue light
glass, broken, fragmented
American flag, US constitution and a judge’s gavel symbolizing t
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Overlooked Justice Video Image
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World News, Social Talk and The Voice for Injustice

 Overlooked Justice, The People's Voice Uncensored!

Overlooked Justice, will feature World News, Social Talk, stories of Injustice and The Voice of the People Uncensored. Informative, inspiring, impactful conversations that amplify the voice and lives of the people. A compelling and engaging platform that addresses critical issues and what’s hidden. Overlooked Justice is more than another platform displaying world issues, it’s a movement for the silenced voices and sidelined causes censored by those that lead with greed and their agendas. We embrace impactful discussions that challenge perspectives, inviting experts and you the people, to share insights and your voice that matters. No filters, no scripts – just the raw, authentic pulse of humanity. 
“Overlooked Justice” platform and Podcast starts soon, adding a new voice to “The Abuse and Corruption  in The U.S. Rule of Law”, creating voices for the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election, our current health crisis and much more. A new tool for the voices of the people to inspire, “Creating Common Sense Conversation For Change”, for justice for all. The “Injustice” in the U.S. rule of law, can happen to anyone, even you! OLJ will highlight the continued crimes of injustice, while some in power create laws to validate their crimes and sins. Some laws that have programmed the world to accept the abuse against a certain people, this abuse, this injustice, this crime against humanity suffered for centuries. If the color of a certain people comes to the mind of the reader, then yes you have been programmed. IAMV 

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